
Our Strategies At Work Are The Means By Which To Achieve The Desired Goals, And Achieve Your Goals And Dreams Here.

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info@nsc.com, info@trueservs.com

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Jeddah

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Saturday - Thursaday, 9am - 5pm,

Friday - CLOSED

Our Services

Housekeeping Service

Housekeeping Services

One of the impacts of modern age on humanity Is the demand for Hygienic living conditions and working environment. Schools, Hospitals, banks, commercial centers, office buildings and many Other facilities require constant care in order to prevent Contamination, the spread of disease and retain healthy EnvironMent. With this concept in mind, Our Company provides Professional Housekeeping services to all market segments.

These services are distinguished:

  • Identify Our Customer Needs and Objectives With The lowest cost and highest quality standards.
  • Service management by highly experienced project managers and supervisors.
  • Our workforce is highly trained and professionally trained.
  • Our WorkForceis Highly Trained and Customer Service Oriented.
  • We Utilize Proper Systems, Technology, Know-How, Tools and Equipment.
  • We Use EPA-Registered, Safe, and Cost Effective Chemicals.
  • Customize A Service Program tlo Suite Our Customer Requirements.
  • We Apply Strict Quality Control Measures.
  • We provide a Guarantee Our Service.

Contact us for Housekeeping Services

Contact us for Housekeeping Services

 +966 55 122 4099